Means of Sponsoring and Offering
In the Buddhist tradition it is said that contributing towards building a sacred place brings the donors great blessings as it benefits not only this but also future generations.
There are many ways to contribute, either financially or by offering your time or services.
To find out more about how to sponsor upcoming events or annual prayers please send an email to scotland@samyeling.org
Whether you are at Samye Ling, at home or travelling, it is considered very beneficial to make offerings to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, as well as the Lamas, Teachers and the Sangha of the various Buddhist Traditions.
If you would like offer your time and volunteer at Samye Ling, please contact our Volunteer Team at volunteer@samyeling.org. If you would like to offer your help at a centre closer to you please click here to see the list of our centres in the UK and elsewhere.
May the sum of our combined efforts result in the decrease of suffering, ignorance and hatred and in the increase of happiness, wisdom and peace in our world.
Have you considered making a bequest in your will in favour of Samye Ling? Contact Samye Ling Accounts for further details.
Tel: 013873 73232 ext: 234
E-mail: accounts@samyeling.org
Lamp Offerings
Anyone, anywhere can sponsor lamps to be lit and prayers dedicated in honour of friends or good causes.
For more information please click here.