Taming the Tiger
7:00pm 03 October 2025 - 4:00pm 05 October 2025
Cost: £63.00
Venue: Samye Ling
“Refrain from all harm
Bring benefit to others
Tame our own mind.
This is the teaching of the Buddha”
Shakyamuni Buddha
This weekend course will focus on Taming the Tiger, a book written by Akong Rinpoche. This is Rinpoche's gift to Westerners, a culturally-attuned set of teachings and meditations to help us understand and tame our minds.
The weekend is suitable for newcomers and also for those who have previously participated in a Taming The Tiger weekend and who wish to continue their study and practice.
Bookings for this course will open on 1st August 2025, when you will be able to book your place on the course and also guest accommodation. Please send an email to bookings@samyeling.org.
The weekend is presented by Brion Sweeney. Brion is a Tara Rokpa Therapist who was trained by Akong Rinpoche to present this work. Brion has also worked as a psychiatrist since 1980 and as a psychotherapist since 1986.