Ani Semchi

Ani Semchi trained for seven years in traditional thangka painting at Samye Ling with Sherab Palden Beru, a great master of the Karma Gadri tradition, whose paintings are renowned for their outstanding beauty and purity.
She has life-long ordination as a nun and has completed the traditional three year retreat where her meditation experience further enriched her understanding of the thangkas. She then spent some years in Germany taking care of her elderly parents and during that time gradually started to teach thanka painting in various Samye Dzongs.
Since returning to live in Samye Ling permanently,she has been responsible for various thanka painting projects as well as helping to decorate the Liberation Gate and repairing and improving thankas brought from Tibet. She devotes some of her time to teaching both in Samye Ling itself and related centres around the world.