The Six Paramitas - Ancient Wisdom For Modern Living

7:00pm 20 September 2024 - 4:00pm 22 September 2024

Cost: £0.00

Venue: Samye Ling

Clive will share teachings about the six paramitas, how to bring mindfulness into a social and ethical framework. These instructions are about the way of life for a meditator.

We do not need to “reinvent the wheel.” These teachings have benefited millions of people over hundreds of years although they may be unfamiliar to a western audience. The first five paramitas are under the broad heading of compassion:

  1. Generosity/ gratitude,
  2. Moral ethics (discipline or coolness),
  3. Acceptance, Forbearance and patience,
  4. Diligence and
  5. Mental stability.

Whilst the sixth is transcendental wisdom.

If we approach these ancient teachings with humility and an open mind they can bring great benefit. They are especially useful to those practising mindfulness and compassion.

Bookings for this course and guest accommodation will open from 15th July 2024. Please email: from 15th July 2024 onwards.

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