Acceptance, Purification And Letting Go
7:00pm 19 September 2025 - 4:00pm 21 September 2025
Cost: £0.00
Venue: Samye Ling
Registration for this course and guest accommodation will open from 20th July 2025.
Most people want a peaceful happy life. These three principles help to make it happen.
Simple, practical purification meditations will be shared and explained. These will help us purify our streams of consciousness so that we are less agitated and more capable of enjoying our lives.
To let go does not mean, “I get rid of.” It is much more subtle. To let go means to be able to let be with wisdom and kindness, allowing new things to arise.
If we leave our thoughts alone, to some degree, they will leave us alone. Of course, this is “context specific.” Letting go is not so wise for mountain climbers!
This weekend will also introduce the ideas of deep-rooted acceptance. The essence is what attitude we hold to whatever “weather” is going on either outside or within us. That essence is wisdom and kindness.
Bookings for this course and guest accommodation will open from 20thJuly 2025. Please email: from 20th July onwards.
There is no course fee for this weekend. If you wish to make a donation towards the Monastery's costs you can do so in the Reception Office in Samye Ling.
Tariff and Charges Guest Info