Taming the Tiger
7:00pm 01 August 2025 - 3:00pm 04 August 2025
Cost: £0.00
Venue: Samye Ling
The course will reference “Taming the Tiger” and “Restoring The Balance” two books by Akong Tulku Rinpoche –both of which Clive helped to edit.
“Not to do harmful things, always aspiring to do the helpful, to tame the mind –that is the essence of the teachings”
Without intending harm, we can become our own worst enemies when we act, speak and think in a wild and reckless way.
This weekend we will be investigating some help in this from the world of Buddhism like “taming the tiger”, taming the monkey mind.
It is essential not to just know meditation intellectually but embody the dharma-the teachings of Lord Buddha too.
There will be many opportunities to practise meditations and visualisations over the weekend.
Bookings for this course and guest accommodation will open from 10th June 2025. Please email: bookings@samyeling.org from 10th June onwards.
There is no course fee for this weekend. If you wish to make a donation towards the Monastery's costs you can do so in the Reception Office in Samye Ling.
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