Changing Habits of a Lifetime - Easter Weekend
7:00pm 18 April 2025 - 3:00pm 21 April 2025
Cost: £0.00
Venue: Samye Ling
*Fully Booked*
This course is now fully booked.
Some say the whole purpose of meditation is to remedy “ego-grasping.” We cling on to what we believe to be true, refusing possibilities for creative change.
The way we can go forward is to observe our habits in kind and wise attention. Then we can change the ones that are not helpful.
This course will be practice and experience based. We will be exploring new horizons within our minds to help us accept and transform those habits that limit our freedom.
Through mainstream exercises we can awaken a fearless and mature attitude, So with a spirit also of playfulness, let’s use meditation as a method to let go of what is not useful and adopt what is healthy in our lives.
Many other resources will be referenced to help spring clean our minds and our attitudes.
There is no course fee for this weekend. If you wish to make a donation towards the Monastery's costs you can do so in the Reception Office in Samye Ling.
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