Annual Nyungney Retreat 2025
6:00am 13 March 2025 - 12:30pm 29 March 2025
Cost: £0.00
Venue: Samye Ling
In the past, our Founder, Choje Akong Tulku Rinpoche, strongly encouraged this fasting practice retreat, particularly for lay people who may not have much opportunity for intensive practice in their daily life.
The practice is based on Chenrezig who is the embodiment of loving kindness and compassion. It is specifically aimed at developing compassion for all the beings who endure great hunger, thirst and pain.
Now we are delighted that Lama Karma Dondam, is returning to Samye Ling again to lead us throughout the retreat.
There will be 8 sets of Nyungney each consisting of two days and one extra morning session. On the first day of each set, participants are permitted food and drink which is offered at specific times. On the second day, participants fast completely (not eating or drinking) and also remain silent. Vows are taken with the Lama during the first session of each day.
It is possible to participate in just one set, up to 8 sets.
To participate, the minimum requirement is to have taken Refuge. However, to participate fully one should also have received a Chenrezig empowerment, oral transmission and instructions on how to do the practice.
If you would like to be involved but for medical reasons you cannot fully keep the fasting vows it is permissible to drink on the fasting days. This is recommended for anyone who takes daily prescribed medications.
If you would like to support the Nyungney retreat but don’t feel able to do the practice sessions it is considered excellent to serve the practitioners. Please contact if you wish to offer to do this.
We don't want any sincere practitioners to be turned away due to lack of funds so if you are keen to participate but unable to cover the cost of accommodation please let us know (
Bookings for this retreat will open in January 2025, when you can book your place on the retreat and guest accommodation, by sending an email to
Tariff and Charges Guest Info