Whilst Rokpa Trust continuously aims to create an environment that does not give rise to Complaints, it is recognised that these do occur. When they do, it is important that they are dealt with in a prompt and competent manner.  Whether appearing to be a justified Complaint or not, any expression of dissatisfaction may indicate an issue with Rokpa Trust’s service offering, which we may need to address to protect those who come into contact with Rokpa Trust and to prevent systemic issues from developing.

This document sets out how to raise complaints about Rokpa Trust and the process we will apply to address those.


This policy applies to all Rokpa Trust centres and branches throughout the United Kingdom except for Lothlorien Therapeutic Community which maintains a separate complaints’ policy and procedure.

All staff, volunteers and Trustees are required to read, understand and comply with this policy and its procedures.


The custodians of this policy are the Trustees of Rokpa Trust, who have overall responsibility for ensuring the proper handling of complaints. The Trustees are supported by all branch managers, staff and volunteers of Rokpa Trust in implementing this policy.

This policy will be reviewed biennially, and appropriate changes will be made should these be required.


A Complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction, whether justified or not, about any aspect of Rokpa Trust.


It is essential to the proper operation of Rokpa Trust that people are able to report complaints in a structured and transparent manner. The timely identification of issues allows Rokpa Trust to reflect upon and improve its processes, thereby protecting Rokpa Trust and those who come into contact with the charity.


Rokpa Trust:

-       is committed to enabling those that come into contact with the charity to easily voice their views and opinions

-       will take seriously any concern or complaint and will investigate it promptly, for resolution as quickly as possible

-       will deal with complaints in line with Rokpa Trust’s Data Protection policy

-       will keep a register of all complaints, which will be reviewed regularly by the Trustees



1.          Making a Complaint

A complaint about Samye Ling or Rokpa Trust should be addressed to the Company Secretary as follows:

-       By phone:        to Samye Ling Reception on +44 13873 73232 

leaving a message for the Company Secretary to contact you.

-       By email:

-       By post:           Company Secretary, Rokpa Trust

Samye Ling, Eskdalemuir, Langholm, Dumfries and Galloway, DG13 0QL

Please include your name, address and contact telephone number in your email or letter so that we can get back in touch with you easily.

Complaints received anonymously will be recorded and considered, but action may be limited if further information is not available to ensure a full and fair investigation.

2.          Complaint Details

To help us to deal with your complaint promptly and accurately Rokpa Trust needs to know:

-       Exactly what the problem is and how it has occurred – give as much information and evidence, if available, as possible

-       How it has affected you

-       What you consider should be done to correct the issue or prevent this happening again

3.          Complaints’ Procedure

We will acknowledge your complaint within five (5) working days of receipt. If we think it will take longer, we will let you know.

We will record your complaint in our complaints’ register and between us we can agree on the best way and time to get back in contact with you.

As far as possible, we endeavour to resolve complaints within thirty days (30) days through open and constructive dialogue with the complainant and other interested parties.  Depending on the nature of the complaint however, it may require to be escalated to the Trustees and they reserve the right to determine the course of action to be followed.  This may include a decision that a formal internal investigation is required, and who needs to be involved in this to ensure that all complaints are dealt with impartially and promptly. Where necessary, Rokpa Trust will draw on support and advice from suitably qualified independent third parties or advisors to assist with any complaints.

4.          Data protection

To process a complaint Rokpa Trust will hold personal data about the complainant, which the individual provides, and which other people give in response to the complaint.

Rokpa Trust will hold this data securely and only use it to address the complaint. The identity of the person making the complaint will only be known to those who need to consider the complaint and will not be revealed to other people or made public. However, it may not be possible to preserve confidentiality in some circumstances, for example, where relevant legislation applies, or allegations are made which involve the conduct of third parties.